You have been diagnosed with melanoma, what now?

The Merlin test may help your doctor in determining the best treatment plan for you.

Being diagnosed with skin cancer can be stressful and may lead to several questions. One of them could be “has my cancer spread to other parts of my body?”. The Merlin test may help you in answering this question and may help in one of the first steps regarding clinical decision-making after your melanoma diagnosis.

Sentinel lymph node biopsy: discuss and consider?

One of the first steps that your physician will discuss with you is if you will be referred for a sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) surgery.

Currently, a SLNB is the standard of care to determine the clinical stage of a melanoma and helps determine adjuvant treatment options. A SLNB is a surgical procedure performed under general anesthesia where lymph nodes are removed and examined to determine if the cancer cells of your melanoma have already started to spread. In 80-85%1 of patients undergoing a SLNB, no cancer spread to the node is detected and you may be exposed to a risk of surgery-related complications.2 Other factors that may impact your quality of life should also be taken into account: stress/anxiety, recovery time, time off from work etc.

The decision to undergo a sentinel lymph node biopsy depends on your age and several risk factors, such as the thickness of your tumor and the presence of ulceration– evaluation made by your physician based on guidelines for SLNB surgery referral.

The Merlin test has been developed to determine if your melanoma has a low risk for spreading to your lymph nodes which means you may avoid SLNB surgery.

The Merlin test may help your doctor in determining the best treatment plan for you.

Each melanoma is unique and it is important to identify its behavior. The Merlin test does this by determining how aggressive your melanoma is. In other words, the test will determine the risk that your melanoma has spread (or metastasized) to your lymph nodes. To do this, the Merlin test looks into the biology of your tumor by analyzing 8 specific genes from your biopsy that directly correlate with the cancer’s potential to metastasize. By analyzing these genes in combination with your age and the thickness of your melanoma, the test will provide your personalized risk assessment which can help your physician create a treatment plan specific to you.

How does the Merlin test work?

The Merlin test is performed on your primary biopsy tissue used to diagnose your melanoma. No additional tissue or sampling procedures are required. This means you do not need to undergo any additional procedure. Your doctor will have your biopsy tissue analyzed. Once your test result is available, you and your doctor can discuss further personalized treatment options.

What does your Merlin test result mean?

Are you eligible for the Merlin test?

You may be eligible for the Merlin test if you are:

  • A newly diagnosed primary cutaneous melanoma patient
  • Eligible for sentinel lymph node biopsy according to the guidelines.

Consult your doctor and discuss whether you are eligible for the Merlin test.

  1. Morton DL, Thompson JF, Cochran AJ, et al. Final Trial Report of Sentinel-Node Biopsy versus Nodal Observation in Melanoma. N Engl J Med. 2014;370(7):599-609.
  2. Moody JA, Botham SJ, Dahill KE, Wallace DL, Hardwicke JT. Complications following completion lymphadenectomy versus therapeutic lymphadenectomy for melnaoma. A systematic review of the literature. EJSO 2017;43(2017):1760-1767.

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